Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 20/05/2019
HORA: 09:00
LOCAL: Sala Mata Medonha -

Identities and Territorialities built in the neighborhoods Campinho and Baianão and their cartographies of life.


Territory. Territoriality. Social cartography.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: História

To think of the city from the social relations established in its territories presupposes that it be carried by different marks and desires that are present in the memory of the local communities, whether these are affective or not. Thus, streets, squares and neighborhoods as elements of the humanized landscape are considered living territories, constituted by distinct interests and uses that symbolize spaces of struggle, work and resistance. In this context, the research was based on the possibility of identifying the forms of territorialities constructed by the residents of the Baianão and Campinho neighborhood, in the city of Porto Seguro-Ba, as well as understanding the identity, cultural and environmental implications that are submitted to the subalternized populations of these neighborhoods, in order to enable them to identify through the socio-spatial perception, the importance of the right of access and use of their shelter territories. In order to do so, a qualitative approach was used as method of research, using social cartography as an instrument of representation of the lived and also as a tool capable of providing the community involved a closer look at their own realities, in the eagerness to establish a critical reflection on the sociocultural and environmental problems that permeate these places. Also used in the study were the oral stories of
everyday life of the local residents, mostly made up of natives and also reterritorialized migrants from the southern region of Bahia, who, faced with the precariousness imposed by the cocoa crisis, were forced to leave their places and build in this region new territorialities. As a theoretical contribution, the research dialogues with authors related to Humanist Geography and involved the construction of the concepts of place and territory from a symbolic and cultural perspective and their interrelations in the lived spaces, besides the presence of authors who understand the territory while socially produced space, based on a reflection both material and symbolic, attributing to the concept greater meaning and materiality. Even in the face of a contradictory scenario, marked by unequal power relations, it was verified through the oral records or even in the mental maps produced that these subjects established a relation of identity and belonging with their territories of life and the forms of territorialities constructed by these inhabitants were represented through several significant elements of the landscape, loaded with symbolism and subjectivity.

Externo ao Programa - 1032375 - FRANCISMARY ALVES DA SILVA
Presidente - 1629912 - JANAINA ZITO LOSADA
Externo à Instituição - Nilson César Fraga - UEL
Notícia cadastrada em: 16/05/2019 10:48
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