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DATE: 15/09/2023
TIME: 14:00
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Urban and juridical-institutional contradictions of the Minha Casa, Minha Vida Program - track 1 (2009- 2020): an analysis of government action


Minha Casa, Minha Vida Program. Housing policies. Right to the city. Social habitation. Urban planning.

PAGES: 227
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Ciência Política

Understanding the governmental action that spurred the creation of the Minha Casa, Minha Vida Program (PMCMV) in 2009, and established its macrostructure, the basis for its execution and from which the changes made to it were based until it was discontinued in 2020, is the general objective of this thesis, with a special focus on Level 1 of the Program, aimed at the lowest-income population stratum, and for the modality that uses resources from the Residential Lease Fund. To achieve this, an analytical tool based mainly on the works of Maria Paula Dallari Bucci was activated, whose theoretical-methodological approach allows the identification and systematization of the conditions, rules and legal institutions necessary for the implementation of public policies. Supported by this reference, a reading of the legalinstitutional dimensions of the PMCMV is proposed in two stages, which correspond to the specific objectives of the research: 1) from a macro-institutional plan, whose reflection revolves around the context and political disputes in the government environment that challenged its conception, in order to highlight the decision taken by it; 2) and from a micro-institutional level, in which the normative translation of that same decision is analyzed and the regulation of the processes that organize governmental action and lead to the results achieved by it, especially regarding the production of urban space for Level 1, where the housing deficit is concentrated and whose developments are located in peripheral regions. For the study of the macro-institutional sphere, an interdisciplinary literature review is used, supported by authors who deal with housing policies in Brazil and, more specifically, the PMCMV; in terms of microinstitutionality, Law no. 11.977/2009 and the ordinances produced by the Ministry of Cities and the Ministry of Regional Development between 2009 and 2020, related to the categories chosen for the development of the topic are analyzed: scale and target audience; resource allocation; and the role of governmental and non-governmental actors. By criticizing the legal-institutional forms of the PMCMV, the study considers the concept of the right to the city undertaken by Henri Lefebvre as an epistemological horizon of the urban phenomenon, as well as the attempts to appropriate it by the Brazilian legal system, notably by the City Statute (Law no. 10.251/2001), its principled basis and the urban instruments established by it, and by the constitutional chapter reserved for urban policy. This is because it is argued that such assumptions should be central to a public policy that announced the quantitative housing deficit as the social problem it intended to attack and the right to housing and urban planning as guarantees to be effective from its implementation. Finally, bearing in mind the selection criteria for the subjects of the rights conveyed by the Program and the historical data on urban racial and gender inequality, we bet on a discussion on intersectionality, so that new assumptions can be thought of for the institutional making of policies that deal with socio-spatial segregation, as is the case of the PMCMV.

Externa à Instituição - MARIA PAULA DALLARI BUCCI - USP
Externa ao Programa - 1605503 - CRISTINA GROBERIO PAZO - nullExterno à Instituição - DANIEL GAIO - UFMG
Presidente - 1629912 - JANAINA ZITO LOSADA
Interna - 1803265 - LILIAN REICHERT COELHO
Externa ao Programa - 1126355 - PATRICIA AURELIA DEL NERO - null
Notícia cadastrada em: 11/09/2023 15:57
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