Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 23/01/2019
HORA: 09:00
LOCAL: Sala Mata Medonha, CSC-Sede. Link:

PUBLIC POLICY OF TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AND SOCIO-PRODUCTIVE INCLUSION: a view of entrepreneurs of the solidarity economy of the Atlantic Rainforest Network in the Southern Bahia Territory


Solidarity Economy; Public Policy; socio-productive Inclusion; Solidarity

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Sociologia

The economic activities organized collectively by the workers in which they associate and practice a self-management of their enterprises and businesses embrace the concept of solidarity economy. Among the Public Policies to encourage the Solidarity Economy in Brazil, especially in Bahia, it is worth mentioning the Public Policy of Technical Assistance and Socio-productive Inclusion because this is an innovative policy and offers support through public centers that aim to promote, stimulate and strengthen the solidarity enterprises in
Bahia. The purpose of this exploratory and descriptive study was to investigate whether the solidary entrepreneurs registered in the Atlantic Rainforest Network of the territory would perceive as effective the Public Policy of Technical Assistance and Socio-productive Inclusion, as well as the technical assistance work provided by the public center for the development, growth and sustainability of their enterprises. Specifically, it was intended to map out the types of solidarity enterprises in the territory and to investigate whether the municipalities that make up that territory differed with respect to the perception of the effectiveness of the public policy in question and the technical assistance provided. Finally, it was tried to verify if there would be effects of the type of enterprise, the zone of action, the type of activity, the destiny of the product on these perceptions of effectiveness. For this, the methodology used was of a quantitative nature, since it made use of secondary data collection and used the use of a standardized instrument to collect the primary data with 80 solidary entrepreneurs. Data were tabulated and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, using the SPSS statistical program. The results indicated that, in general, the social actors involved in solidarity activities indicate satisfaction indexes in relation to the effectiveness of the actions of the State Government in relation to the policy implemented, as well as in relation to the work developed by CESOL, mainly the actions that are related to the commercialization, through the incentives aimed at the implementation of the Solidarity Space, Fairs and Events and the weekly fairs. However, perceptions of the effectiveness of the public center's policy and work showed differences between the municipalities and the groups surveyed that are part of the network's projects, which reflects that, although municipalities and groups form part of a single Identity Territory local realities and groups of activities should be taken into account when implementing the actions, incentives and encouragement by the State Government in relation to the public policy studied. The study made it possible to identify the potentialities and challenges that need to be recognized by the public centers, contributing to the discussion about the evaluation of the Technical Assistance and Socio-productive Inclusion Policy in the Entrepreneurship Network of the region, contributing to the debate around the economy theme solidarity and offering answers that can subsidize actions of public interventions for the strengthening of the solidarity enterprises of the Southern Bahia territory.

Externo à Instituição - MEDSON JANER DA SILVA - UNEB
Presidente - 1148978 - SANDRA ADRIANA NEVES NUNES
Notícia cadastrada em: 10/01/2019 09:59
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