Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 25/04/2019
HORA: 10:00
LOCAL: Sala Mata Medonha

Recognize contempt experience:The daily of CAPS II Users of Porto Seguro Bahia


Mental health. Intersubjective recognition. Madness. Narratives

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Psicologia

The care given to subjects with mental disorder in Brazil was historically provided by a hospital-based model

of hospitalization and medicalization, which has been questioned since the second half of the twentieth century

because it violates the dignity of the subjects, limits the exercise of citizenship and of rights and contribute to the

maintenance of negative stereotypes and valuations of madness. The present work intends to analyze

the citizenship experience of CAPS II users from Porto Seguro - Bahia, n their daily narratives, as participants

in a public policy that stimulates the development and exercise of the same through the restitution of rights,

questioning the socially constructed negativity of the concept of mental illness and the image of an individual

devoid of the most essential human characteristics valued by modernity: his reason and his will. For this, the

work intends to describe the daily practices of the participants in the different social spaces; identify the forms

of subjective disregard and recognition they have experienced, and analyze the meanings of the CAPS function.

In order to think this question, modernity is approached as a period in which madness came to be understood

al illness. Such a subjective condition threatened the modern building erected on the bases of reason.

The madman came to be seen as an inadequate social being, unproductive and unable to respond to

the demands of the ideals of the time, being excluded from the possibility of exercising citizenship.

Starting from this historical-cultural panorama, a dialogue is carried out between the concepts of

citizenship and subjectivity.From an epistemological point of view, this is an interpretative study of

multiple cases. The method used for the production of the narratives was the photo-provocation,

a modality that combines photographs and interviews. Following this model, the participants were asked

to photograph their daily life, and interviews were then made from the images selected by the subjects.

The narratives produced by the participants were analyzed based on guiding categories produced based

on the objectives. The analysis process was carried out with the help of the software Atlas.ti 8.

This research resulted in the analysis of the experiences of recognition and deprecation that the interviewees

go through, these experiences being contradictory and allowing the development of subjective aspects and

characteristics of their personality linked to self-confidence, self-respect and self-esteem, and as the denial

of this recognition generated marks in these individuals, but at the same time opened space for struggles

for this intersubjective recognition, it also allowed for a reflection on the role of CAPS in the implementation

of the principles which guide the public policies of mental health guided by the restitution of rights and the

recognition of the citizenship of the users.

Externo ao Programa - 2255464 - GABRIELA LAMEGO
Externo à Instituição - Mônica Lima de Jesus - UFBA
Presidente - 1220616 - RAFAEL ANDRES PATINO OROZCO
Notícia cadastrada em: 04/04/2019 14:41
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