Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 31/08/2022
TIME: 09:00
LOCAL: Sala Virtual:

Traditional knowledge, autonomy and daily life: reflections on the Web of the Peoples and its articulations woven into the struggle for land and territory


Traditional knowledge, autonomy and daily life: reflections on the Web of the Peoples and its articulations woven into the struggle for land and territory

BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Sociologia

This paper seeks to present and discuss the process of construction of the Teia dos Povos (the Web of Peoples), a space for articulation of social movements that arose in 2012, in southern Bahia, having as its motto the struggle for land, territory and agroecology. Creating connections between different social actors, the Teia is currently composed of "fisherwomen, shellfish gatherers, river dwellers, back and pasture people, terreiro peoples, small farmers, landless, homeless, indigenous people from many nations, quilombolas, black people, extractivists, and the many links that support and build the Teia from solidarity" (TEIA DOS POVOS, 2019). The relationships woven in this network affirm the search for unity in diversity as one of its principles, alongside the construction of autonomy that accompanies the struggle for territory, directing the projects and actions that have been outlined for the communities that participate in its composition. This research aims at analyzing these dynamics, discussing the processes of political participation and democratic construction from the perspective of social movement networks, based on the meanings attributed by the Teia dos Povos to the relations between territory and autonomy. Besides the documentary analysis of the Teia's collection, the research has as a starting point the experience of building an agricultural calendar, enabling the approximation with one of the communities of the Teia dos Povos, which allowed us to observe in practice how the territorialized actions develop and connect with the more general projects of this network. Directing the methodological path taken in the investigation and following the principles of participatory research, the agricultural calendar carries the proposal to listen, systematize and materialize the knowledge of farmers who guide their cultivation activities by traditional methods, integrating with the Teia's projects of valorization and dissemination of traditional knowledge of the peoples and communities that participate in its network. In this process, I examine how the agricultural calendar carries specific meanings of autonomy, linked to the dimension of the daily life of social movements, in aspects linked to the practices and knowledge located in the day-to-day work with the land and the struggle for maintenance in the territory. By focusing on the meanings of the relation between territory and autonomy and the specific contours it acquires in the People's Web, it is also possible to observe how this network is in tune with other articulations of territorialized Latin American struggles, based on experiences that affirm the construction of other possible worlds, with their emancipatory practices and horizons. In order to understand how Teia dialogues with this scenario, I present how the debate on territory and autonomy has been reactivated in recent decades, from socio-environmental and agro-ecological movements led by indigenous, black and peasant communities, within a concept of renewal of territorial struggles in Latin America. As a theoretical reference, I resort to analytical approaches that focus on relational and multidimensional aspects of social movements.

Presidente - 1738832 - VALERIA GIANNELLA
Externo ao Programa - 1212987 - PAULO DIMAS ROCHA DE MENEZES
Externa à Instituição - OLIVIA CRISTINA PERES - UFPI
Externa à Instituição - LIA PINHEIRO BARBOSA - UECE
Externo à Instituição - CÁSSIO CUNHA SOARES - UFFS
Notícia cadastrada em: 21/07/2022 15:54
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