Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 28/04/2023
TIME: 08:00
LOCAL: Metapresencial através do link:

“They are who close on the strip, mona1 ”: codes, negotiations, production of sociability and transition from male to female body among travestis prostitutes in porto seguro, Bahia, Brazil


Keywords: Transgender culture; Socialization; Body transformation; Street prostitution; Sex workers; Prostitution territory.

PAGES: 152
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Antropologia

This ethnographic study is designed to document details of the social life of Travestis (not an English cognate of transvestite, but rather in Brazilian Portuguese this is a term for the spectrum of male to female transgender persons) who are, or have been, commercial sex workers in Praça das Pitangueiras, the main public point of sex work for Travestis, located in the center of Porto Seguro, Bahia. Its general objective was to study, as a participant observer, these travestis and to understand the types of social interactions that can be observed among and between these sex workers while they “fazer a pista”, or “work the strip”. For this inquiry, I seek to understand (i) what are the implicit and explicit codes that form the basis of social relationships between and among travestis who engage in commercial sex work in Praça das Pitangueiras; (ii) what were the paths taken that conditioned them or led them to choose work in the sex industry; (iii) what does “corpo feito” (to undergo the transformation or transition from a male to a female body) mean to this community; and (iv) what were the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on “working the strip” at Praça das Pitangueiras. The central axis of this investigation is to document and understand the social norms among travestis in the commercial sex zone of Praça das Pitangueiras. Analysis of the social life of this community led to a deeper understanding of the genesis of important social processes among them, such as “amadrinhamentos” (or serving as a street-mother to other members of the group); sharing of information and local knowledge about “corpo feito” during gender transitioning; the initiation rituals of travestis entering sex work on the street; the territorial characteristics of the plaza until its transformation into a location for provision of travesti sex work; the organization and management of personal turf in the plaza; the price charged for each type of sexual service that is offered; the negotiations with other groups that occupy or circulate in the plaza; and the self-defense techniques that also pervade the production and maintenance of the Pajubá, a dialect specific to Brazilian travestis.

Presidente - 1348376 - ANA CARNEIRO CERQUEIRA
Externa ao Programa - 1694002 - ANGELA MARIA GARCIA - nullExterna ao Programa - 1605503 - CRISTINA GROBERIO PAZO - nullExterna à Instituição - GABRIELA LAMEGO - UFBA
Interna - 1803265 - LILIAN REICHERT COELHO
Externo ao Programa - 1220616 - RAFAEL ANDRES PATINO OROZCO - null
Notícia cadastrada em: 20/04/2023 08:32
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