Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 29/07/2022
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: metapresencial

Obstetric Violence and Social Participation: a case study of a women's collective in the extreme south of the state of Bahia


obstetric violence; public policy; social participation; reproductive rights; maternal and child health

PAGES: 200
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Sociologia

Obstetric violence is a current and controversial phenomenon that has been debated worldwide, in the social, scientific and political spheres. The social participation of women in the public sphere has been an important way to confront obstetric violence when linked to actions aimed at inducing the humanization agenda of public policies for maternal and child health. This study is based on social research to analyze the phenomenon and its confrontation in the context of obstetric health care marked by acts of violence and deprivation of reproductive rights of women. The study draws on a local and current experience of political action led by a Women's Collective in the Extreme South region of the state of Bahia. The analysis is based on the field of participatory social research, conducted from a case study that was guided by the assumptions of Grounded Theory, created in 1965 by American sociologists Anselm Strauss and Barney Glaser. The time frame for data collection and analysis covered the period from 2017 to 2020. The following data collection techniques were applied: document analysis; field diary analysis; semi-structured interviews and online questionnaire. The study participants were the activists of the Women's Collective and some of the main interlocutors representing health services and institutions in the management spaces of the national maternal and child health policy Stork Network. The data and experience analysis was carried out from the literature review according to the guidelines of the Grounded Theory, having been very important the Thematic Oral History method and the classification of childbirth maltreatment by Bohren and collaborators. The thesis is presented in six chapters. Chapters one and two present the theoretical references that guided the research process, with obstetric violence as a concept being addressed in chapter one and social participation in chapter two. Chapter three presents the theoretical and methodological assumptions and the course of the research, with emphasis on the involvement of the researcher, the characteristics of the field and of the study participants, and the objectives and hypotheses from which the research was based. Chapters four, five, and six delve into the exploratory case study. Chapter four presents the history of the creation of the Women's Collective and aspects that explain the Collective's relationship with obstetric violence in the region. The reports of obstetric violence are analyzed based on Bohren's terminology and the consequences of this violence for women's lives are presented, as well as what happens in the Collective based on the reception of the victims' reports. Chapter five presents the history of actions developed from 2017 to 2020, putting under analysis the very way in which the Collective deals with obstetric violence and with the public sphere, represented mainly by the spaces of participation and social control within the SUS and the Stork Network policy. The obstacles and advances perceived in the process of paradigmatic transition driven in the region are analyzed, including a reflection on the impact of the covid-19 pandemic. Chapter six specifically analyzes the gaps on abortion in the debate on obstetric violence, proposing a consensus that integrates the two phenomena. It is concluded that public policies with their architecture of social participation favored the visibility for the problem of obstetric violence and the dialogue between State and Society, however, the absence of obstetricians and managers who make structural decisions, as well as the Public Ministry, made it difficult for the structural changes necessary for the conformation of the network and humanized care to happen in the region.

Interna - 1348376 - ANA CARNEIRO CERQUEIRA
Externa ao Programa - 1218269 - ROCIO ELIZABETH CHAVEZ ALVAREZ
Externa à Instituição - SONIA LANSKY
Notícia cadastrada em: 20/07/2022 11:48
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