Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 21/12/2020
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: Sala virtual em Plataforma disponibilizada pela UFSB



Afrodescendants. Prison education. Resocialization.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Educação

Punishment as a tool of the State to enforce justice when any individual commits an offence,
it also has the characteristic of re-socialization of that agent, while having fulfilled his/her
obligations to the society, he/her can return to social life by adapting the current rules. In
view of this, it is possible to think that one of the possibilities of re-socialization concerns to
the educational sphere, because it makes up the social imaginary that education is a social
ascension way, as well as a way of keeping people away from the process of
marginalization. Thus, the proposal of this research was to investigate and discuss the racial
and social relations between Afro-descendant students and students from the school annex
at the Conjunto Penal de Itabuna, with anti-racist education in the prison context as a guiding
point. The specific objectives were: 1) To discuss the racial and social relations of students
from the penal group in Itabuna and how they conceive their experiences in the classroom
at EJA; 2) To understand how they think and exercise their citizenship in the prison context
through access to the education offered to them; 3) To offer out ways to strengthen prison
education in contexts of ethnic-racial relations. The methodology used was action research,
based on the idea that this research method largely meets the demands of the educational
field, as it enables the researcher to have as a premise complex social processes, such as
the relationship between teaching and contemporary teaching practices, the interaction
between teachers and students in everyday classroom relationships in prison contexts,
being participatory research that presupposes a participatory intervention in social reality.
The research instruments used, for this, were the observation and application of
questionnaires with the prisoner students, to verify how they see the prison school
environment, as well as, the purpose of education in this context. As conclusions, we see
that it is challenge to promote education linked to the concept of decolonization, in other
words, it goes against the historical denial of the existence of non-Europeans, such as Afrodescendants and indigenous people, and the valorization of the oppressed, but, this
educational model is more than necessary to the construction of blacks identity, both by the
fact they are inserted in the prison context and the way they can contribute to the formation
of a fairer society based on their self-knowledge as active citizens.

Interno - 066.250.508-57 - CARLOS JOSÉ FERREIRA DOS SANTOS - UESC
Presidente - 1965316 - CELIA REGINA DA SILVA
Externo à Instituição - Luzineide Miranda Borges - UESC
Externo à Instituição - RAFAEL PETRY TRAPP - UNEB
Notícia cadastrada em: 16/12/2020 12:14
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