Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 03/04/2023
TIME: 09:00
LOCAL: Metapresencial

Biographies as a strategy for teaching ethnic and racial relations in 5th grade: School practices and diversity in the municipality of Eunápolis in the far south of Bahia.


Biography, Teaching, Memory, Self-Esteem, History, Eunápolis.

PAGES: 180
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação

This dissertation deals with the use of biography for History Teaching, through the decolonial and antiracist perspective. Its main objective is to articulate the use of biographies for the teaching of history in the Elementary School, valuing the identity and the trajectory of people belonging to social groups, historically subordinated. In this sense, we propose the use of memory as a source for the production of biographies for History Teaching, valuing the identity and the trajectory of people belonging to historically subalternized social groups, recognizing their protagonism, perceiving these people as agents of history and seeking to bring the students closer to the history of the place where they live, creating a relationship of recognition and belonging. Besides, we intend that the life experiences of the biographers contribute to the construction of knowledge and to the strengthening of self-esteem of the black students. We believe that History Teaching is a plural space, which allows the transit of diverse knowledge and the problematization of silencing, exclusion, and erasure produced by Eurocentered history. This proposal is based on Law 10. 639/03 and the guidelines for the education of Ethnic-Racial Relations in Brazil following the curriculum parameters of the BNCC, dialoguing with decolonial studies in BERNADINO-COSTA and GROSFOGUEL (2016) and TORRES (2019), based on an antiracist education supported in GOMES (2012) and SILVA (2005) analyzing the trauma caused by racism with FANON (2008), KILOMBA (2009) and RAMOS (2011), we deal with history in the early years of elementary education in FREITAS, and OLIVEIRA (2009). To meet this proposal we use the methodology of Action Research from TRIPP (2005) and in the production of biographies the biographical method with SCHMIDT (2012).The methodological artifact that will be used in history classes, focuses on an e-book, consisting of biographies produced from the interview and reporting of life stories of four black characters of the town, two men and two women, this artifact was produced to be used with the students of the 5th grade of the municipal public school Dom Avelar Brandão Vilella, a school located in the municipality of Eunápolis - Bahia, but this is a product that can be used in other classes of 5th grade from other schools in the municipal education network. The proposal of the artifact is that of a dynamic paradidactic material, which can be updated with the insertion of new characters to the extent that these characters prove to be relevant, bringing information for the understanding of local events. It seeks to value the participation of socially subordinated people, giving visibility to the memory of black people, producing a more plural education.

Externa à Instituição - CÉLIA SANTANA SILVA - UNEB
Externo à Instituição - GEOVANI DE JESUS SILVA - UNEB
Presidente - ***.833.565-** - JOCENEIDE CUNHA DOS SANTOS - UNEB
Notícia cadastrada em: 24/03/2023 11:36
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