Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 14/02/2022
HORA: 14:00
LOCAL: A banca será realizada de forma virtual em decorrência da Covid-19

PÏA’SAWA TUPINAMBÁ MANAGEMENT AS BELONGING TO NATURE AND ORIGINARY IDENTITY (RE)EXISTENCE: Possibilities for Teaching the History and Indigenous Culture Of Olivença (Ilhéus/BA)


Pïa’sawa, Tupinambá, (Re)Existence, Management, Identity, Memory, Teaching, Olivença

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Educação
SUBÁREA: Ensino-Aprendizagem
ESPECIALIDADE: Métodos e Técnicas de Ensino

This dissertation seeks to discuss the management of the Tupinambá People of Olivença (Ilhéus/Bahia) of the pa’sawa (piaçava) as one of the expressions of belonging to the nature of that community to its place of origin. It is worth remembering that Olivença is one of the areas that still maintain the Atlantic Forest, with piassava being one of the native palm trees (in Tupi: pindoba) that constitutes its biome. The way in which the Tupinambá remove the pa’sawa and use it is one of the dimensions that refer to the ancestry of that People who occupied Brazilian lands before European colonization. The word piassava itself is a derivation of the Tupi term (pa’sawa) which means to weave or braid, involving handling and handling.

Therefore, this work assumes that the way the Tupinambá relate to this palm tree is one of the original identity traits of resistance and (re)existence of the indigenous memory and ancestral culture existing in Olivença. The idea here is to contribute to the struggle of these people in the territorial demarcation process that has not yet officially been implemented.

It also seeks to present how the Tupinambá management of the pa'sawa offers possibilities for teaching the history and indigenous culture of the People of Olivença, favoring the application of Law 11,645/2008 which made the study of the presence of the Peoples mandatory in the official education system. Originating in the formation of Brazilian society. Likewise, the intention is to present the educational products resulting from this dissertation (videos, transcripts, comics and the entire dissertation) to the Tupinambá community in Olivença.

Presidente - 066.250.508-57 - CARLOS JOSÉ FERREIRA DOS SANTOS - UESC
Interno - 025.437.049-73 - CLEBER RODRIGO BRAGA DE OLIVEIRA - UFBA
Externa à Instituição - MARIELE RODRIGUES CORREA
Notícia cadastrada em: 24/01/2022 07:23
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