Exploring the biotechnological potential of the Atlantic Forest: Identification of efficient microorganisms using DNA barcoding
DNA metabarcoding; EM-solo; Regeneration; Atlantic Forest; Social-tech; agroecology.
The use of microorganisms for phytosanitary and nutritional management in agricultural crops has become increasingly common in Brazilian farms. Efficient Microorganisms (EM), captured and stabilized following the methodology proposed in the "Efficient Microorganisms Handbook: Practical instructions for the ecological and social use of EM", give rise to the EM-soil bioinput. This is a homemade production methodology for a microbiological preparation that has been adopted by agroecology practitioners. The biological safety analysis of on-farm produced bioinputs by Brazilian farmers has raised pertinent questions by regulatory agencies in the sector. For this study, EM-soil was produced from microorganism captures carried out in different stages of Atlantic Forest regeneration (initial, intermediate, advanced, and primary forest) in the Extreme South of Bahia. We extracted DNA and amplified prokaryotic 16S metabarcodes (V3V4 regions) and eukaryotic ITS (fungal) using primer pairs 341F/806R and ITS1F/ITS2R, respectively. The amplicons were sequenced massively on the Illumina platform, generating an average of 30,000 paired reads (2x250 bp) per sample. The sequencing results were analyzed using a pipeline that employs the use of the software tools usearch, cutadapt, mapseq, R, and Krona. Preliminary results from this study show that EM-soil from all stages of Atlantic Forest regeneration contained microorganisms that can be classified as plant growth promoters. However, samples also revealed the presence of microorganisms with potential human pathogenicity, indicating that the use of EM-soil in agriculture should be approached with caution.