Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 25/08/2021
HORA: 08:30
LOCAL: Sala virtual webconferência

Participation and territorial policies: a look at women from flour houses in the Extreme South of Bahia Identity Territory


Public policies. Social participation. Flour houses. Scraper women. Feminisms.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
ÁREA: Administração

The field of public services is diverse and social participation is a relevant topic in it, as it understands that participatory democracy is a way of getting the population to act with the government in meeting its various demands. In this way, the territorial approach is a form of analysis of economic-socio-cultural aspects, associations, State action and actors that make possible, in principle, a participatory management model. In this research we intend to analyze the social participation of rural women in public policies for territorial development (PPDT) of the Identity Territory of the Extreme South of Bahia (TIES), verifying the access to these policies and understanding how they are organized, recognized and involved in issues of interest to them, according to the multiagency present in the process of these policies. In this case, the gaze will be directed especially towards the scrapers of the flour houses who make up the group of women involved in the production and transformation of cassava. It is justified, as the model of Territorial Development Policies implemented in Brazil in 2003 was prefigured in the perspective of participatory management. In this way, understanding how women's participation in the gender perspective takes place will confer the legitimacy of their role in this process. This work is part of the State, Institutions and Governance research line, with an exploratory character with case studies, carried out through qualitative and quantitative methods and techniques. It will require secondary data collection, document research and field research, which will be carried out through semi-structured interviews and questionnaires applied to 50 flour houses distributed in the 13 municipalities of the territory, concentrating on Alcobaça, as it is the municipality with the greatest activity in the segment. The choice of visits will occur randomly, in rural communities of the respective municipalities; interviews with 20 agents between technical assistance and rural extension (ATER) professionals from the state, Non-Governmental Organization (NGOs) and companies, to see how these professionals relate to the communities where they work and how they understand the role of women and their participati on in territorial policies. Participant observation will occur in meetings according to local agendas, CODETER’s, secretariats of agriculture, associations and other meetings with this audience, participating in at least 10 meetings. From this perspective, a set of concepts will base the research: planning and evaluation of public policies; territorial development policies; participation, based on the idea of democracy and social participation; and feminisms from a gender perspective, for the study of rural women. It is expected, as a result of the work, to show the reality about women scrapers in flour houses of the Extreme South of Bahia and contribute to public policy processes for women so that strategies are thought to attend their demands and make shure they are heard.

Externa ao Programa - 060.452.106-54 - DHANYANE ALVES CASTRO - IF Baiano
Presidente - 1716530 - HERBERT TOLEDO MARTINS
Interna - 1803265 - LILIAN REICHERT COELHO
Notícia cadastrada em: 24/08/2021 15:03
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