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DATA : 23/02/2022
HORA: 08:00
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Social-educational Measures – Effectiveness from a Comparative Study of Social Representations of Service Egresses and Families of Egresses


Social Representations. Social-educational Measures. Effectiveness.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas
ÁREA: Serviço Social

The increase in the occurrence of cases of violence and conflict with the law, carried out by those under the age of eighteen, is delineating an infinite field of problematization for the human and social sciences. The socio-educational measures appear as an attempt by the State to confront the scenario of violence and committed infractions. Such socio-educational measures arise from movements of struggle for human rights and children and adolescents since the last century and, at the present time, are configured from the Doctrine of Integral Protection, as stated by the National System of Socio-Educational Assistance. This Doctrine represented an important advance in relation to the current Irregular Situation Doctrine, marked by the control of children and youth, the repressive nature of legislation and the criminalization of poverty. Socio-educational measures are judicially determined for adolescents in conflict with the law and bring with them bold goals such as the resocialization of adolescents and the strengthening of community and family bonds, but they are presented, in different studies, marked by beliefs related to their non-effectiveness. Researches that focused on the perception, beliefs or social representations of adolescents themselves about their socio-educational measures are still scarce in the national and international literature. Furthermore, no comparative investigation of social representations of socio-educational measures effectiveness developed by subjects who received them and their families was found in the literature. Faced with the scenario presented above, this research aims to characterize and compare the Social Representations of egresses of socio-educational measures and their families. To achieve this objective, the Free Word Association Test (FWAT)was applied and individual semi-structured interviews were carried out with the service's egresses(n1 = 07) and their relatives of egresses (n1 = 09). To analyze the data from the FWAT, the EVOC program and the Content Analysis technique were used for the data collected in the interviews. As a result, it was found that the central cores of the Social Representations of the two groups about MSE are similar, both consisting of the terms Education and Responsibility, which reverberated throughout the analysis of all the individual interviews that were carried out. When we analyze and compare the central cores of the groups on Effective Socio-Educational Measure, we see the term Education being repeated in both groups and the term Responsibility again appear in the core of family members of egresses and, in the egresses themselves, it was possible to notice the resurgence of the term in first quadrant of the peripheral zone. From the analysis of the interviews, it is evident how these central cores are producing reverberations in the presentation of beliefs and perceptions about the experience of an MSE and the impacts by the experienced research subjects. The study may contribute to pointing out devices that serve to reflect on how to achieve success in the face of the objectives of socio-educational measures, which according to SINASE (National Social-Educational Service System) should promote social reintegration, empowerment of graduates and strengthening of bonds family and community.

Externa à Instituição - DÉBORA ARAÚJO LEAL
Externo à Instituição - JEAN CARLOS NATIVIDADE - PUC - RJ
Externo à Instituição - MARCELO MÁXIMO NIEL - FP
Externa ao Programa - 2250961 - RAQUEL SIQUEIRA DA SILVA
Presidente - 1148978 - SANDRA ADRIANA NEVES NUNES
Notícia cadastrada em: 22/02/2022 18:14
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