Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 29/06/2022
HORA: 08:00
LOCAL: Campus Sosígenes Costa

Sociodemographic, psychological and contextual factors related to the practice and victimization of bullying in students of integrated courses in southern Bahia.


Bullying, social context, adolescent, self-esteem, life satisfaction.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Psicologia
SUBÁREA: Psicologia do Desenvolvimento Humano
ESPECIALIDADE: Desenvolvimento Social e da Personalidade

Bullying in the school context materializes as repeated violence, characterized by purposeful physical and psychological aggression against someone with difficulty to defend themselves, culminating in a relationship of control and oppression over the victim. The objective of this study was to characterize the phenomenon of bullying, seeking to investigate its relationship with personal (sociodemographic and psychological) and contextual factors (family, peer group, school and community) in students of the integrated courses of the Federal Institute of Science and Technology of Bahia- IFBA, Eunápolis campus. This is a quantitative, descriptive, relational, ex post facto and cross-sectional study. The sample consisted of 194 students and the instruments used were the Bullying Victimization Scale, the Bullying Behavior Scale, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, the Multidimensional Life Satisfaction Scale, the Parental Responsiveness and Control Scale, the dimensions of discipline inventory (DDI), the negative peer influences scale, the neighborhood safety scale and the school environment perception scale, in addition to a sociodemographic questionnaire. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis, all performed using IBM/SPSS Statistics 25 and the significance level adopted was 0.05. The results showed that the prevalence for all forms of victimization was higher than 34%, with emphasis on verbal bullying, which was 63.4%. The prevalence of aggressive behavior was lower than that of victimization, with the exception of verbal aggression, which was 52.1%. Bullying behavior is independent of age, but victims of physical and verbal bullying tend to be older subjects. There is a higher prevalence of victimization by verbal bullying among girls and a higher prevalence of boys involved in situations of aggression by physical bullying. Concerning socioeconomic level, the higher the income, the more frequent is the aggressor behavior, and students of less favored socioeconomic level tend to be more victimized. The more adolescents report victimization (verbal and relational) and abusive behavior (relational type), the lower their levels of self-esteem and life satisfaction. With regard to the effect of parenting practices, in general, a combination of demanding discipline, little responsiveness, withdrawal of privileges and demand for compensation in the face of misbehavior and the use of psychological, physical violence and aggression verbal abuse seems to be harmful to emotional development, as it is associated with victimization by bullying, in its most varied types, and also with aggressive behavior, especially physical, relational and verbal bullying. With regard to the perception of negative peer behavior, the group of victims/aggressors reported having more delinquent and bully friends. In addition, adolescents who belong to the group of victims/aggressors are those who perceive their communities as more violent, whether this is diffuse violence, distant from their lives, or close to them. The victimized feel more insecure and helpless in the school environment, they perceive little acceptance and security from their peers, they perceive that their parents are little involved in their school life and they feel that their school is unfair and disrespectful towards them. The practitioners of physical bullying and relational bullying, in turn, also perceive the school as less fair and less respectful compared to their peers who do not bully. Finally, physical bullying practitioners also perceive less parental involvement in their school activities. It is hoped that this research can contribute to the development of preventive actions to combat bullying within the studied institution.

Presidente - 1148978 - SANDRA ADRIANA NEVES NUNES
Externa ao Programa - 1865105 - GABRIELA ANDRADE DA SILVA
Externa à Instituição - EDI CRISTINA MANFROI - UFBA
Notícia cadastrada em: 24/05/2022 11:49
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