Uma banca de QUALIFICAÇÃO de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 12/06/2023
TIME: 14:00
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Precariousness of nursing work: a look at the demands in the Labor Court 2014-2022.


State; Labor Legislation; Professional ethics; Worker's health; Nursing.

PAGES: 141
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação

This thesis addresses the precariousness of work in the area of Nursing and seeks to answer the following research questions: In Brazil, how is precariousness in professional practice in the field of nursing work characterized in labor processes? And What is the discourse of the Regional Nursing Councils (Corens) located in the northeast of Brazil in relation to the working hours of professionals in the field of Nursing? Because it is a complex phenomenon, we opted for the combined use of quantitative and qualitative techniques. The general objective of this thesis is to analyze the precariousness in the field of nursing work in Brazil, based on the labor lawsuits filed by this professional class between 2014 and 2022 and on the Technical Opinions prepared by the Regional Nursing Councils of the northeast region when provoked to become comment on working conditions. This objective unfolded into three specific objectives that guided the construction of three articles, as explained: Specific objective 1: To analyze the discursive order given by the Regional Nursing Councils of the northeast region when asked to express an opinion about the workday in the field of Nursing. It resulted in the article, Order of discourse on the working day in nursing: a Foucauldian view. The qualitative approach study was documentary type; and had as discursive spaces the Corens of the northeast region of Brazil. Failures in the COREN Technical Opinions can be identified based on the following critical analyses: Contradictions and discursive heterogeneity, lack of basis in labor laws, non-compliance with the hierarchy of norms, lack of dialogue with other instances and actors involved, lack of updating and incorporation of new knowledge, lack of consensus on guidelines, disregard of the power relationship and the worker's hyposufficiency. Specific objective 2: To analyze the labor demands related to the Burnout Syndrome in Nursing professionals in Brazil, from 2014 to 2022. It resulted in the article, Nursing and burnout syndrome in labor demands: a jurimetric analysis. This is a quantitative and descriptive study that used a jurimetric technique. Of the 199,798 labor lawsuits filed by the category, we identified 407 that mentioned Burnout Syndrome in the requests presented in the initial petition. This result contrasts with studies that indicate a high prevalence of Burnout in the category. The flaws detected in labor lawsuits where one of the requests is related to the recognition of BS can be identified based on the following critical analyses: lack of specific labor legislation, little awareness and information about BS, difficulty in proving BS as an occupational disease, slowness of the judiciary, prolonged procedural time, geographical concentration of cases, partially valid outcomes, increase in cases during the pandemic, reduction of actions in the Labor Court, difficulty with the burden of proof for the worker, need for greater protection and prevention of labor legislation, lack of preventive policies in repairing damages after the occurrence of BS, little adhesion of union entities to labor actions, impact on the quality of health care due to the illness of workers. We indicate the need for an interdisciplinary approach to find solutions that can mitigating the losses suffered by workers, going beyond the work environment, since they also affect the social environment that they are part of as citizens.

Externa à Instituição - TATIANE ARAÚJO DOS SANTOS - UFBA
Externa à Instituição - ELOÁ CARNEIRO CARVALHO - UFRJ
Externo à Instituição - DIRLEY DA CUNHA JÚNIOR - UFBA
Presidente - 1716530 - HERBERT TOLEDO MARTINS
Notícia cadastrada em: 05/06/2023 13:34
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