Uma banca de DEFESA de MESTRADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 21/08/2023
TIME: 08:30
LOCAL: Metapresencial através do link que transmissão:

The life trajectory of the Tupinambá chiefs of Olivença-Ba: gender, identity and educational praxis


cacicas, leadership, gender, identity, education

PAGES: 100
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: Educação

This work deals with the political action of the Tupinambá chiefs of Olivença-Bahia, Brazil and the processes experienced by them until reaching this position. In my experience, I noticed that the existence of three cacicas in our people seems unusual compared to other ethnic groups, making it necessary to look in depth at the remarkable role of these women in this space of little female presence. The present study intends to answer the following question: What elements mark the trajectory of the Tupinambá chiefs of Olivença-Ba and support their political activities? In an attempt to answer this question, I use the life history of the three Tupinambá chiefs and bibliographical research as a methodology. The axle of analysis is focused on the categories: Gender, Identity and education, in the light of theorists Paredes (2013), Lorena Cabnal (2010), Moita Lopes (2002) Hall (1992,2000,2002), Paulo Freire (1987), Marilena Chauí (1985) and Adorno (1995, 2003). As a result, in brief, I can consider that the cacicas fight the original machismo with their own presence, persistence and leadership. Their identities were constituted in social relations, in which they were exposed inside and outside the people and by historical circumstances. It was through the process of construction of meanings in discursive practices with the other that the cacicas became aware of who they were, building their social identities. Education was one of the elements that proved to be decisive in unveiling oppression, making them and the people commit themselves in practice to the transformation of the lived reality. In this perspective, the cacicas Valdelice, Ivonete and Jesuína are considered popular educators, according to the conception of Dickmann and Dickmann (2017), that is, leaders who motivate, accompany and advise popular groups facing and overcoming the dilemmas that oppress them.

Externa ao Programa - 1694002 - ANGELA MARIA GARCIA - nullPresidente - 1164694 - CHRISTIANNE BENATTI ROCHEBOIS
Externo à Instituição - Francisco Vanderlei Ferreira da Costa - IFBA
Interna - 1803265 - LILIAN REICHERT COELHO
Notícia cadastrada em: 24/07/2023 11:19
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