Produção Intelectual
Artigos (35)
2020, Kelly Dayane Pereira da Silva, Nadson Ressyé Simões da Silva, Danielle Lima de Oliveira, Fátima dos Santos Silva, Luciana Gomes Barbosa , Phytoplankton communities in freshwater rock pools: structural and spatial dynamics in Brazilian drylands, ISSN: 02138409
2020, Nadson Ressyé Simões da Silva, Louizi S. M. Braghin, GUSTAVO A. V. DURÉ, Josiane Souza Santos, Sergio Luiz Sonoda, Bonecker, CC. , Changing taxonomic and functional β-diversity of cladoceran communities in Northeastern and South Brazil, ISSN: 00188158
2020, BRAZ, JOYCE ERNESTINA MONTEIRO, DIAS, JULIANA DÉO, Bonecker, Claudia Costa, Nadson Ressyé Simões da Silva , Oligotrophication affects the size structure and potential ecological interactions of planktonic microcrustaceans, ISSN: 10151621
2019, DE MELO, THAIS XAVIER, DIAS, JULIANA DÉO, Nadson Ressyé Simões da Silva, Bonecker, Claudia Costa , Effects of nutrient enrichment on primary and secondary productivity in a subtropical floodplain system: an experimental approach, ISSN: 00188158
2019, ESPÍNOLA, LUIS A., ABRIAL, ELIE, RABUFFETTI, ANA P., Nadson Ressyé Simões da Silva, AMSLER, MARIO L., BLETTLER, MARTIN C.M., EURICH, MARIA F., PAIRA, ALDO R. , Discrimination of hydrologic variations for spatial distribution of fish assemblage in a large subtropical temperate river, ISSN: 19360584
2018, DOS ANJOS, LUIZ, CARVALHO, JOEMA, LIMA, MARCOS R., VOLPATO, GRAZIELE H., LOPES, EDSON V., WILLRICH, GUILHERME, BOCHIO, GABRIELA M., ARAKAKI LINDSEY, BARBARA R., Nadson Ressyé Simões da Silva, MENDONÇA, LUCIANA B., BOÇON, ROBERTO , Distributions of birds and plants in ecoregions: Implications for the conservation of a neotropical biodiversity hotspot, ISSN: 14429985
2018, PERBICHE-NEVES, GILMAR, SAITO, VICTOR SATORU, Nadson Ressyé Simões da Silva, DEBASTIANI-JÚNIOR, JOSÉ ROBERTO, NALIATO, DANILO AUGUSTO DE OLIVEIRA, NOGUEIRA, MARCOS GOMES , Distinct responses of Copepoda and Cladocera diversity to climatic, environmental, and geographic filters in the La Plata River basin, ISSN: 15735117
2018, TEDESCO, ERIK COSTA, CALDERON, EMILIANO NICOLAS, SEOANE, JOSÉ CARLOS SÍCOLI, MORAES, LEONARDO EVANGELISTA, LOPES, LEONES SILVA, Nadson Ressyé Simões da Silva, SCHIAVETTI, ALEXANDRE , Coral reef benthic assemblages of a Marine Protected Area in eastern Brazil: effect of reef habitats on the spatial pattern of species, ISSN: 00222933
2018, SANTOS, RANGEL E., PINTO-COELHO, RICARDO M., FONSECA, ROGÉRIO, Nadson Ressyé Simões da Silva, ZANCHI, FABRÍCIO B. , The decline of fisheries on the Madeira River, Brazil: The high cost of the hydroelectric dams in the Amazon Basin, ISSN: 0969997X
2018, Josiane Souza Santos, Nadson Ressyé Simões da Silva, Sérgio Luiz Sonoda , Spatial distribution and temporal variation of microcrustaceans assembly (Cladocera and Copepoda) in different compartments of a reservoir in the brazilian semiarid region, ISSN: 2179975X
2017, AMADEO, FELIPE EMILIANO, DIAS, JULIANA DÉO, SEGOVIA, BIANCA TREVIZAN, Nadson Ressyé Simões da Silva, Lansac-Tôha, Fábio Amodêo , Effects of bromeliad flowering event on the community structuring of aquatic insect larvae associated with phytotelmata of Aechmea distichantha Lem. (Bromeliaceae), ISSN: 2179975X
2017, Leilane Talita Fatoreto Schwind, Rodrigo L. Arrieira, Nadson Ressyé Simões da Silva, Bonecker, CC., LANSAC-TÔHA, FA , Productivity gradient affects the temporal dynamics of testate amoebae in a neotropical floodplain, ISSN: 1470160X
2016, Dias, JD., Nadson Ressyé Simões da Silva, Mariana Meerhoff, VELHO, LFM, LANSAC-TÔHA, FA, Bonecker, CC. , Hydrological dynamics drives zooplankton metacommunity structure in a Neotropical floodplain, ISSN: 00188158
2016, ESP'NOLA, L. A., RABUFFETTI, A. P, ABRIAL, E, AMSLER, M. L., BLETTLER, M. C. A., PAIRA, A. R., Nadson Ressyé Simões da Silva, SANTOS, L. N. , Response of fish assemblage structure to changing flood and flow pulses in a large subtropical river, ISSN: 13231650
2016, Louizi S. M. Braghin, Nadson Ressyé Simões da Silva, Bonecker, CC. , Hierarchical effect of local factors on zooplankton species diversity, ISSN: 20442041
2016, Leilane Talita Fatoreto Schwind, Rodrigo L. Arrieira, Juliana Deo Dias, Nadson Ressyé Simões da Silva, Claudia Costa Bonecker, Fábio Amodêo Lansac Tôha , The structure of planktonic communities of testate amoebae (Arcellinida and Euglyphida) in three environments of the Upper Paraná River basin, Brazil, ISSN: 17238633
2015, Nadson Ressyé Simões da Silva, NUNES, ARIÁDINE H., DIAS, JULIANA D., LANSAC-TÔHA, FÁBIO A., VELHO, LUIZ FELIPE M., BONECKER, CLÁUDIA C. , Impact of reservoirs on zooplankton diversity and implications for the conservation of natural aquatic environments, ISSN: 00188158
2015, RODRIGUES, LUZIA C., Nadson Ressyé Simões da Silva, BOVO-SCOMPARIN, VANIA M., JATI, SUSICLEY, SANTANA, NATALIA F., ROBERTO, MARIA C., TRAIN, SUELI , Phytoplankton alpha diversity as an indicator of environmental changes in a neotropical floodplain, ISSN: 1470160X
2015, Rodolfo Salm, Anderson Prates, Nadson Ressyé Simões da Silva, Lisa Feder , Palm community transitions along a topographic gradient from floodplain to terra firme in the eastern Amazon, ISSN: 00445967
2015, Louizi S. M. Braghin, Bruno Figueredo, Thaisa Michelan, Nadson Ressyé Simões da Silva, Bonecker, CC. , Zooplankton diversity in a dammed river basin is maintained by preserved tributaries in a tropical floodplain, ISSN: 13862588
2014, LANSAC-TÔHA, FA, VELHO, LFM, COSTA, DM, Nadson Ressyé Simões da Silva, ALVES, GM , Structure of the testate amoebae community in different habitats in a neotropical floodplain, ISSN: 15196984
2013, Bonecker, Claudia Costa, Nadson Ressyé Simões da Silva, MINTE-VERA, CAROLINA VIVIANE, LANSAC-TÔHA, FABIO AMODEO, Velho, Luiz Felipe Machado, AGOSTINHO, ÂNGELO ANTÔNIO , Temporal changes in zooplankton species diversity in response to environmental changes in an alluvial valley, ISSN: 00759511
2013, Nadson Ressyé Simões da Silva, COLARES, MARIA ALICE MENDES, LANSAC-TÔHA, FÁBIO A., BONECKER, CLAUDIA C. , Zooplankton species richness-productivity relationship: Confronting monotonic positive and hump-shaped models from a local perspective, ISSN: 14429985
2013, Nadson Ressyé Simões da Silva, DIAS, JULIANA DÉO, LEAL, CLARICE MARIA, SOUZA MAGALHÃES BRAGHIN, LOUIZI, Lansac-Tôha, Fábio Amodêo, BONECKER, CLÁUDIA COSTA , Floods control the influence of environmental gradients on the diversity of zooplankton communities in a neotropical floodplain, ISSN: 10151621
2013, COLARES, MARIA ALICE MENDES, BONECKER, CLÁUDIA COSTA, Nadson Ressyé Simões da Silva, Alves, Geziele Mucio, Lansac-Tôha, Fábio Amodêo , Structure of the zooplankton communities in macrophytes stand of a Neotropical floodplain (the Paraná River, Brazil), ISSN: 14342944
2013, MORETTO, YARA, Nadson Ressyé Simões da Silva, BENEDITO, EVANILDE, HIGUTI, JANET , Effect of trophic status and sediment particle size on diversity and abundance of aquatic Oligochaeta (Annelida) in neotropical reservoirs, ISSN: 00034088
2013, Zanon, Jaques Everton, Nadson Ressyé Simões da Silva, Liliana Rodrigues , Effects of recurrent disturbances on the periphyton community downstream of a dammed watercourse, ISSN: 15196984
2013, Nadson Ressyé Simões da Silva, LANSAC-TÔHA, FÁBIO A., BONECKER, CLAUDIA C. , Drought disturbances increase temporal variability of zooplankton community structure in floodplains, ISSN: 14342944
2012, Nadson Ressyé Simões da Silva, Fabio Amondeo Lansac-Tôha, Luiz Felipe Machado Velho, Claudia Costa Bonecker , Intra and inter-annual structure of zooplankton communities in floodplain lakes: a long-term ecological research study, ISSN: 00347744
2012, Juliana Deo Dias, Nadson Ressyé Simões da Silva, Bonecker, CC. , Zooplankton community resilience and aquatic environment stability on aquaculture practices: a study in net cages, ISSN: 15196984
2012, Juliana Deo Dias, Nadson Ressyé Simões da Silva, Claudia Costa Bonecker , Net cages in fish farming: a scientometric analysis, ISSN: 2179975X
2011, Nadson Ressyé Simões da Silva, Sonoda, Sérgio L., Ribeiro, Sylvia M. M. S. , Diversity and structure of microcrustacean assemblages (Cladocera and Copepoda) and limnological variability in perennial and intermittent pools in a semi-arid region, Bahia, Brazil, ISSN: 00734721
2011, Bonecker, Claudia Costa, Azevedo, Fábio de, Nadson Ressyé Simões da Silva , Zooplankton body-size structure and biomass in tropical floodplain lakes: relationship with planktivorous fishes, ISSN: 2179975X
2011, Melo, Adriano Sanches, Schneck, Fabiana, Hepp, Luiz Ubiratan, Nadson Ressyé Simões da Silva, Siqueira, Tadeu, Bini, Luis Mauricio , Focusing on variation: methods and applications of the concept of beta diversity in aquatic ecosystems, ISSN: 2179975X
2010, Alves, Geziele Mucio, Velho, Luiz Felipe Machado, Nadson Ressyé Simões da Silva, Lansac-Tôha, Fábio Amodêo , Biodiversity of testate amoebae (Arcellinida and Euglyphida) in different habitats of a lake in the Upper Paraná River floodplain, ISSN: 09324739
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