Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATA : 12/08/2021
HORA: 09:00
LOCAL: Sala virtual webconferência

PATAXÓ YOUTH COUNCIL OF BAHIA: an action-reflection on democracy, participation and citizenship in face of the indigenous peoples’ experience


Democracy. Participation. Citizenship. Indigenous people. Indigenous Youth.

GRANDE ÁREA: Ciências Humanas
ÁREA: Antropologia

This thesis has a transdisciplinary approach and is presented in the format of a collection of articles, it brings a reflection on the innovation ways of the participatory action repertoires with the Pataxó indigenous youth, as well as on the challenges of indigenous participation in Brazil, given the current political context of accentuated democratic crisis and dismantling of the institutionalized participation system. The thesis also highlights the indigenous peoples’ strategies that seeks to develop autonomous forms and spaces of organization in parallel to institutionalized forms of interaction, participation, dialogue and claims towards the State, facing an historical exclusion and the current setback of the Brazilian indigenous policy. Democracy, participation and citizenship are the theoretical-analytical categories that support this thesis and they are thought in relation with the experience of these peoples. Thus, the indigenous movement in Bahia is analyzed, seeking to understand the vision and action of the Pataxó people, in particular the forms of action of their youth, based on the ethnographic case study of the Pataxó Youth Council of Bahia (CONJUPAB). The thesis aims, by the theoretical-practical basis of insurgent, autonomous, self-determined and non-institutionalized spaces, to advance the understanding of this phenomenon and other similar dynamics in nowadays; aims also to get what the struggle movements can learn from it; and if and how this experience allows us to glimpse some contribution to overcoming the crisis that is currently in place. From an epistemological-methodological point of view, the research is based on the assumptions of the feminist’s action-research critical epistemologies, on the research method of performative ethnography as an engaged/implied research condition and on "observant participation" as the main procedure for collecting information, in conjunction with interviews, questionnaires, document analysis, etc. s a result of the research it is concluded that: a) CONJUPAB is configured as an alternative and product of democratic innovation, marked as an alternative, invented, non-formal, free and lived space for participation, conceived not to overlap institutionalized participatory instances (PIs), but to include themselves and complement and democratize the PIs; b) the Indigenous Peoples, in the observation of the participation trajectory of the Pataxó People, experienced a tortuous and belated insertion in the institutionalized architecture of participation, at the federal, state and municipal levels, signaling the weaknesses of the PIs, but also recognizing the process' achievements, and the potential for social change that these represent; c) Indigenous resistance walks and will walk through multiple fields: inside political institutions (governmental instances in the three branches); occupying participatory instances to whom were denied the right to participation/expression; intensifying its instances of dialogue, consultation and deliberation by defending and promoting its own organizational forms; and bringing together popular mobilization strategies to consolidate a unified front. The multiple and alternative paths pointed out by the indigenous peoples in this research are encouraging and can contribute to the broadening of our frameworks of analysis on current political issues, as well as being an inspiration for the resumption of an urgent project to radicalize our democracy.

Externa à Instituição - ZILMA BORGES DE SOUZA - FGV
Externo à Instituição - THIAGO MOTTA CARDOSO - UFAM
Interna - 1348376 - ANA CARNEIRO CERQUEIRA
Interno - 3025974 - PABLO ANTUNHA BARBOSA
Presidente - 1738832 - VALERIA GIANNELLA
Notícia cadastrada em: 09/08/2021 09:03
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