Uma banca de DEFESA de DOUTORADO foi cadastrada pelo programa.
DATE: 19/08/2022
TIME: 14:00
LOCAL: Metapresencial

“It was no use, we won”: the World War Two in the Extremo Sul da Bahia.


Extremo Sul da Bahia; World War Two; Memory.

PAGES: 358
BIG AREA: Ciências Humanas
AREA: História

The present work has as main objective to understand the ways in which the World War Two reached the Extremo Sul da Bahia. The changes caused in the lives of the residents of the region, due to the difficulties generated by the context of belligerence, left deep marks in their memories. We assume that, although there were not many war events in the region, such as battles or bombings, the events that took place in the Extremo Sul da Bahia, between 1942 and 1945, seem to have caused the local residents to experience an intense climate of war. This made the memories of the conflict survive over time, even without civic commemorations, museums or monuments specifically dedicated to maintaining the memory and history of the war in the region. People's memories are linked to a series of factors: the attacks by german and italian submarines on the barge Jacira, in august 1942, and on the ship Afonso Pena, in march 1942; the circulation of war news, through means such as telegraphy, radio and newspaper; the presence of soldiers who garrisoned the main municipalities in the region (Belmonte, Porto Seguro and Caravelas); and conflicting coexistence with foreigners. The main sources used throughout the research were newspapers and magazines, found mainly on virtual sites, and interviews with residents of the region, most of them over 80 years old. In addition, data from censuses of the brazilian population and memory books, written by regional authors, among others, were used. Despite the quantity and diversity of sources, there are many gaps, which made it impossible to carry out a series of information. To deal with the research material, an approach was used that changes the scales of observation, from the local to the regional and the national, trying to contextualize the events and experiences of war. Given the limitations imposed by the sources, it is assumed that, in the face of events and situations with multiple interpretive possibilities, the simplest explanations are the most appropriate for this work. As the historian John Keegan stated, the entire history of the World War Two is, therefore, a history of the world between 1939 and 1945. It is in this perspective that this work is presented. By understanding the events of the Second World War in the Extremo Sul da Bahia, in addition to making it possible to expand knowledge about the extent of this conflict in Bahia and Brazil, this work helps to rescue a part of the history of the world.

Presidente - 007.935.955-84 - FRANCISCO EDUARDO TORRES CANCELA - UNEB
Interna - 1629912 - JANAINA ZITO LOSADA
Externo à Instituição - IANKO BETT - UFRGS
Externo à Instituição - LINA MARIA BRANDAO DE ARAS - UFBA
Externo à Instituição - LUIZ ANTONIO PINTO CRUZ
Notícia cadastrada em: 28/07/2022 14:21
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